Subtle Kombat: Kung Jin's Komplicated Koming Out
"Disaffected with his life, angry at Raiden for his part in Kung Lao’s death, Jin intends to steal and then sell the statue.
Raiden interrupts this scene, provoking Jin into a fight on purpose so that afterwards he’ll listen to reason, because Raiden has a suggestion: he wants Jin to join the Shaolin monks, as Kung Lao had. Flustered, Jin argues: “I… I can’t. They won’t accept-”
Raiden cuts him off, saying decisively: “They care only about what is in your heart. Not who your heart desires.”
This is hardly a trumpet-blaring, streamer-throwing, glitter-tossing pride parade of a coming out scene, and to that I can only say: thank god. It’s understated, but in the process it doesn’t fall into the traps that this sort of scene often does. It doesn’t suddenly make Jin’s sexuality the cornerstone of his character arc; instead it’s just one influence on the decisions of his life. I could see tiny aspects of my own history, and of common queer experiences, in this flashback. Even before Raiden decides to smack the sass out of Jin so he’ll see reason, he makes offhand mention to the undirected rage and frustration Jin feels. Jin himself discusses the rift that’s formed between himself and the Kung family over their treatment of Raiden and Kung Lao’s death."
Автор выразил мои мысли по поводу того, как нужно ПРАВИЛЬНО выводить ЛГБТ-персонажей из шкафа.
Правда после прочтения статьи у меня возникло 2 вопроса:
1. КАК Я ЭТО ПРОПУСТИЛА. Я же смотрела стори-мод целиком блин.
2. А разве шаолиньские монахи против лгбт? Я не знаток темы, но раньше о таком не слышала даже. о.О
В любом случае - накатим!))
Забавно, когда мне показалось, что Кунг Джин флиртует с Коталом, мне, оказывается, и не показалось вовсе! Владимир сомневался не зря!
В догонку к посту о гей-Айсмэне
| воскресенье, 26 апреля 2015